Darth Vader has put Luke Skywalker on death line Comics

Darth Vader has put Luke Skywalker on death line

Darth Vader has put his son Luke Skywalker in front of the enemies. The Dark Lord of the Sith was surprised when the pilot was able to destroy the First Death Star. His surprise turned to excitement when he came to know that the mysterious pilot was none other than Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader was soon obsessed with finding his son, Luke Skywalker.

The Sith works according to The Rule of Two: one Master who wields power and his apprentice who craves it. Palpatine isn’t happy with his apprentice but the revelation that he has a son changes something in Darth Vader’s heart. In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth wants his own son to become his own apprentice. He believed that they would together defeat the Emperor. Palpatine blessed Luke to fall on the dark side. He, on the other hand, rejected the offer and preferred to die instead.

What happens in Star Wars#5?

Darth Vader has put Luke Skywalker on death line 1 Comics

In the week’s Star Wars#5 Vader has forgotten that he has told Luke that he was his father. He has forgotten about his enemies. Definitely over the years with so many brutal atrocities Vader has created so many enemies. They all seek to take revenge from his son.

Luke can never be in a more dangerous position. He encounters Verla who is the survivor of Jedi Purge. But now she has given up the light side. She uses a Mind Probe to go through Luke’s memories. She gets to know about the most horrifying truth that he is Darth Vader’s son. She immediately decides that Luke should die.

Was it an accident?

Luke must keep secrets. He is destined to keep secrets. But the ill-equipped boy cannot keep secrets. Even if he has tried to keep the truth to himself he is not equipped enough to repel the Mind Probe. The question is whether it was an accident? Did Vader know about the risk he is likely to put his son into? He is the Emperor of Sith and burns with anger. But he has to control it. However, it wouldn’t be so surprising to know that Vader intentionally has put Luke to danger. It would rather make him change sides.