Thanos Destroyed Infinity Stones MCU Confirmed Entertainment

Marvel accepts that the Thanos Theory would have worked

One of the most hilarious fan’s suggestions points out the possibility that Ant-Man could have defeated Thanos in Marvel Universe. Ant-Man could have entered from his butt and expanded to kill Thanos. The question is posed why didn’t he try to defeat his enemy. Now that Thanos has been defeated, this theory will never come to fruition.

This theory made a part in many memes. The Thanus theory of Thanos never became a part of Avengers: Endgame but it was a way suggested to beat the Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys the Marvel Universe. In this, Frank Castle is desperate to change history. He wants to save his family from being murdered and rewrite his own past. In a scene, Cosmic Ghost Rider agitated Hulk making him mad. Finally, he ends up suggesting Ant-Man enter Hulk from his backside. He agitates Ant-Man by saying that he thought Ant-Man was serious to stop him. The Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys the Marvel Universe is given by Paul Scheer, Nick Giovannetti, Nathan Stockman, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Ravis Lanham.

Marvel accepts that the Thanos Theory would have worked Comics

Antman Changes Mind in Seconds

Ant-Man gets motivated and tries to enter Hulk. Within a fraction of second, he changes his mind. There got to be another way to stop him! The Cosmic Ghost Rider was reluctant to believe that Ant-Man actually almost did it.

Though being one of the grossest ideas, Thanos’s theory isn’t after all that stupid. Ripping the villain to pieces by expanding seems doable. It is indeed a hilarious reference. For the readers to see it definitely there is a wait. At least they could be relieved by the X-Men comic where it actually happened.