The Flash season 7- Flash Is Inviting Troubles Entertainment Trendingetc

The Flash season 7- Flash Is Inviting Troubles

Barry is looking to build Speed Force in The Flash Season 7 and that is not a good idea from all his past experiences

The Flash and The Flash season 7 will showcase Barry Allen and his friends from Star Labs saving the world and fighting with the mess evils and they themselves create. Barry is in danger of losing his speed forever and he is looking to build a speed force. After the events of ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Barry is desperate and this could be a rash decision that could lead to a big mess. It hasn’t always worked well in the past.

The Flash season 7, The destruction of the Speed Force after its poisoning by the Spectre’s presence is a big problem. Barry has been slowly losing speed and particularly when he needs it the most. Iris his wife is still trapped in the Mirrorverse and that is making him desperate and he is not thinking clearly.

Whenever Barry has messed with timelines, it has been a great deal of trouble to all. His impulsive rash decisions have gotten him into creating a mess like multiple alternate timelines. The Flash also went back in time to save his mother and prevent his father from going to jail. Barry Allen has seen crazy times where Cisco’s brother died and Caitlin transformed into Killer Frost and Savitar and Alchemy are havoc in Central City. When his daughter, Nora, from the future, followed her father’s footsteps, that was a bit crazy too.

The Flash season 7 release date

The Flash and his arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne was released from prison and launched a new timeline that made ‘Crisis of the Infinite Earths’ arrive at least five years early. Barry Allen seems to have forgotten the huge mess Thawne created with an artificial Speed Force. Barry should think about the consequences he will have to face. Thawne got himself his speed by creating it which Barry and his team call Negative Speed Force which feeds off darker emotions yielding darker consequences. Barry needs to be very careful not to step into any path he cannot come back from. The Flash season 7 must see a mature Barry Allen thinking clearly.

Barry is sure to get his speed in The Flash season 7. But how and what happens when he does. Will he be able to artificially produce it, independent from the Speed Force? Will Iris be saved? There are a lot of questions to be answered and a lot of thrill awaited.