Captain America

Out of all, few Captain America costumes ranked accordingly

Throughout the Saga of MCU, Captain America has been known for his ideals and his costumes. His costumes have also been a part of the conversation. His first costume was in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger. But which one is the best of the lot?

It’s time to see Steve Roger’s closet and pick the costume with the best style and to fulfill the requirements of the field. The Quantum Realm suit isn’t on the list. It is for everyone to own. The list is set from the lowest-ranked.

USO Show Costume Captain America The First Avenger

5) USO Show Costume – Captain America: The First Avenger

This costume was never meant for the field. Captain America: The First Avenger witnesses the hero debut as a performer. Strutting out onto the stage and selling war bonds doesn’t require much protection. It’s cute, but it’s a theatrical version. We could see a better version of the movie itself.

Captain America The First Proper Costume Captain America The First Avenger

4) Captain America: The First Avenger – The First Proper Costume

As far as it can be seen, the costume nailed it down with its first look. The era was fine and resilient to its maximum.

Steve using hydra tanks and fighting to beat all his enemies in the duds, was enough to make him legendary. However, the suit failed when he crashed that stealth bomber into the ice. But the suit can do a lot.

The Improvised Rescue Mission Suit Captain America The First Avenger

3) The Improvised Rescue Mission Suit – Captain America: The First Avenger

Credit should be given to the designer of this movie Anna.B.Sheppard for making Cap the fashion icon. Her designs had actually resulted in the evolution of Cap to what he is today. The coolest was the one Steve used to save Bucky Barnes and Howling Commandos. A pair of leather jacket and helmet goes great with the original colors.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Suit Captain America The Winter Soldier

2) The S.H.I.E.L.D. Suit – Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Cap is a good man but we can’t forget that he is a man of strong principles. He ditched the awesome S.H.I.E.L.D suit of blue and grey. He threw off the threads of oppression in favor of something a little more Smithsonian. His look is the best as contrasted against the more showy Batroc The Leaper in the film’s first big film fight. Maybe it was his favorite suit until we see the best.

The Mjolnir Special Avengers Endgame

1) The Mjolnir Special – Avengers: Endgame

If you have to handle the Mjolnir you need something bold to wear. Just as Thor always believed it, Cap, he definitely had to stand up to the look. The design has to be both a bit traditional and a bit more medieval. The design was just apt and breathtaking. It’s like a uniform of  Captain America for the Avengers and the tiny logo from Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

The suit tops the list as it has this scaling on the chest and arms. It was just appropriate for Asgard and rose to its heights in the battle against Thanos. Out of so many suits to choose from our heart still chooses this one.