The Eternals Story In Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Eternals: Who Are They?

If you aren’t aware yet, Marvel Cinematic Universe’ Eternals trailer dropped loaded with the star-powered cast from the likes of Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek. These are some big names for such an obscure comic book movie. If you are unaware who the Eternals are, fret not dear friends, we have got you covered for a smooth introduction. Let’s dive into it!

Who created the Eternals comic book?

They were created by one of the forefathers of comic books, Jack Kirby. The Eternals first appeared in the first issue of the comic The Eternals in July 1976.

The Eternals In Comics

Pretty cool! But who are The Eternals in the comic books? As in what’s their story?

The Eternals or the Homo Immortalis are a super-powered evolutionary offshoot of the human race that lives secretly amongst human beings.

“We are the Eternals. We are the court of the last resort for humanity and for all living things on Earth.”

The Eternals History

Why the name ‘Eternals’?

The Eternals are practically immortal beings i.e. they have an eternal lifespan. Hence, the name Eternals.

So, how did the Eternals came to be? Just evolution?

They came into existence millions of years ago when the Celestials performed genetic experiments on life forms that existed at that time.

Wait, what? Celestials? Who are they?

Yeah, that’s a story for another time.  Short answer: Celestials are an ancient race of cosmic gods who are responsible for mankind’s potential to gain superhuman powers in the Marvel comics as well as responsible for creating other races and life-forms.

“Hail to the Celestial hosts and those who lead them! We, the reflections of your image, await the meaning of your new mission…”

celestials marvel comics

But why? Why create the Eternals?

The Eternals were created by the Celestials as a means to protect their other experimental race: The Humans.

“We do not choose sides. Countries are lines drawn in the sand. Empires rise and fall. We are timeless. We will still be here tomorrow, and a hundred centuries from now.”

The Eternals Creation

Woah! Wait, so the Celestials created the human beings. What other races did they create?

  • The Humans – as already mentioned
  • The Eternals
  • The Deviants

The Celestials are responsible for the creation of many more races but that is story for another day.

The Deviants? Who are they?

Again, a story for another day. Short answer: An ever-changing destructive failure war-like race that is structurally unstable such that each new generation of the Deviants appears in new and monstrous ways.

“You Eternals have long lives, but short memories. The changing people have short lives, but we do not forget.”

The Deviants

Tell me more. How did they create the other races?

Millions and millions of years ago, the Celestials descended upon the planet Earth. There they experimented on the early stages of mankind. Initially, the Eternals acted as protectors of a young human race from the Deviants. Being more of a child of the gods than of the earth, the Eternals reached for the universe and separated themselves from mankind becoming almost god-like because of their superpowers and technology. The Eternals bred few in number and were immune to time and death like gods and hence, slowly grew to live apart from all other living beings.

Why did they leave? It seemed everything was going smooth.

Because of a Civil War. Some of the Eternals were content to protect humanity but the others believed that with their power, they should rule over them. Kronos lead the peace-loving Eternals while Uranos led the revolt. In the end, Uranos was defeated and he and his followers left the Earth establishing a civilization on the Planet Uranus and eventually Titan.

“If you saw two groups of children arguing over which of them could play in some waste ground, would you choose sides?”

The Eternals MCU

Well, since Humans are the most prominent species who inhabited the Earth in the Marvel comics, where did the Eternals reside?

Under the leadership of their new king Zuras, the Eternals established cities of Olympia in the Greek mountains, Oceania in the Pacific, and Polaria in Siberia.

Seems like they were doing even better. What happened to their cities?

When the Celestials returned to the Earth to monitor the progress of their experiments, they came under the attack of the Deviants and the ensuing battle resulted in the destruction of the great cities of Atlantis and Mu sank into the ocean where many humans died.

Did the Eternals leave any impact on Earth? Socially, cultural etc.?

Several of the historical myths of the world were inspired by the clashes between Eternals and the Deviants.

“We have watched, and guided. We have helped them progress, and seen them accomplish wonders. Throughout the years, we have never interfered. Until now.”

Eternals leave any impact on Earth

What superpowers do they possess?

As stated earlier, all the Eternals are virtually immortals. They have super strength, speed, reflexes, and durability. They can project and manipulate cosmic energy from their hands and eyes. All the Eternals can join the Uni-Mind, a collective organism that is created when all the Eternals merge together. That sums up your brief introduction to the Eternals. For more on the Deviants and the Celestials, make sure to visit our website.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.