Iron Man and Chris Evans

Chris Evans On Playing Iron Man In The MCU

Have you ever wondered how things should be if someone else played your favourite character, Iron Man for instance?

It is truly said that “Some Actors Are Born To Play Certain Roles.” There have been a few actors who have reached this milestone and received this great compliment. For instance, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, Chris Evans’ Captain America, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow, and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool. These portrayals received immense love and appreciation and are still counted among the greatest fan favorites. Although there can’t be an argument about these characters not giving these roles their all, fans have speculated on the possibilities of others outdoing the actors for these roles.

Captain America As Chris Evans
Chris Evans

Tom Hardy and Carl Urban playing Wolverine has been one such speculation, even the anime community has expressed their interest in Chris Evans playing the role of Erwin Smith, the brilliant leader of the survey corps, from Attack On Titans should the character ever appear in a live-action project. Just like fans, actors too have wondered what sort of different characters they would like to play if they ever got a chance, and as such, Chris Evans has also revealed that he would love to take up the role of Tony Stark in the MCU.

Chris Evans Playing Tony Stark

Chris’ journey in the MCU began in 2011 with “Captain America: The First Avenger” and the rest is history. He completely nailed the role and fans absolutely loved his acting. It was a turning point in his career and Captain America became his second identity. Unfortunately, his time as the  super soldier came to an end after playing the character for almost a decade, in Avengers: Endgame. Though no fan was ready for his departure, everyone made peace with it considering the perfect ending that the character received. Likewise, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man too left the MCU in the same movie and just like that the MCU lost two of its prominent characters.

Now that their respective characters are out of the story, they are free to take up other roles that they desire. Chris Evans, in an interview with ACE Universe, was asked if there was any other Avenger’s role that he would like to take up and his instant reply was Downey’s, Iron Man. He expressed how awesome that character is and how crucial his role in the MCU is.

Chris Evans
Chris Evans

He also mentioned that although he would like to take up the role, there was no other actor who could have played the role better than Robert himself. This is actually quite true as the creator of the character, Stan Lee, once said that RDJ was exactly the kind of person he had in mind when he created Iron Man. “You know, I’ll say… I mean, I’ll say [Robert] Downey [Jr.], Iron Man … The paychecks would be nice, but just the role is so fun. The role is, you know, he’s the engine, he’s the life. But I suppose that’s kind of signing up for failure. I don’t think there’s anything anyone on this planet could do that would somehow improve upon what Downey’s done, you know what I mean? I don’t consider that a role that’s gonna be like a James Bond or a Superman or Batman, that somehow other people get a bite at the apple. He’s Iron Man, the end” he said.

Chris Evans Iron Man
Chris Evans

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark shared such a lovely bond in the MCU, even off-screen Evans and Downey are great friends. It was RDJ who persuaded Chris to take up the role of Captain America in the MCU after he rejected the role three times. On-screen, their bond best described was “He’s not my brother, but he is…”. It was really painful to see their bond get severed in the events of “Captain America: Civil War” when they had such good chemistry in the previous movies. It really took the end of the world to bring them back together, only to see them depart from the studio itself. Nonetheless, they really did go down in history for their amazing work as their respective characters.