Eternals And The Love Triangle Updates

Eternals And The Love Triangle Explained

Do you remember watching Pearl Harbor (2001), a movie about a historical war event and how it affects the lives of three individuals? Yes, the one with the good old ‘Love-Triangle’.

It seems that Marvel’s Eternal will be adapting romantic trope in their upcoming Eternals movie. The desire for bonding and love has always been a central part of human existence. Coupled with family and race, it definitely has a place to be explored in MCU. It’s not like it hasn’t been done before, Thor-Jane, Wanda-Vision, Peter-Gamora, but these connections were not as impactful and central to the plot of their respective movies (not the series). Basically, it all boils down to execution. As long as it isn’t a soap opera that drags along forever, I think we’ll be fine.

The Love Triangle In Eternals

The Plot of Eternals

As per the sources, one of the main conflicts in the Eternals plot will revolve around Sersi played by Gemma Chan who previously portrayed Minn-Erva in another MCU movie Captain Marvel (2019), falling in love with Dane Whitman played by Game of Thrones alumni Kit Harrington, which will upset Ikaris, also played another Game of Thrones alumni Richard Madden.

Since Eternals are basically eternal i.e. immortals, it’s kinda obvious that their personal relationships will sour over the years, and by years I mean millions and millions of years. I guess that is why ‘Love you forever is a lie and ‘Love you till my last breath’ practically works. The three back-to-back shots of Sersi and Ikaris throughout the years, followed by her and Dane holding hands in the present day in a way confirm it and it can be safely assumed that this will make Ikaris jealous.

The Eternals plot

In the third shot, where they seem to be wearing their present-day clothes, Sersi looks like she is trying to push Ikaris away. Expect some drama there. If it is in fact jealousy, Ikaris should just wait for another century for Dane to die as he is human after all. Problem solved. Although jealousy could be one of the reasons, there might be more to it than meets the eye. Ikaris looking down on humanity as an inferior species and wanting to keep Eternals pure from breeding with humans seems one way to go about it.

Given Ikaris’ character in the comics, it’s highly unlikely that he will remain evil till the end of the movie. There is a big possibility Druig, played by Barry Keoghan, could be the main villain in the movie given his history. Ikaris and Druig would make perfect foils to one another; they are both arrogant and look down on humanity, but Ikaris eventually sees the error of his ways and comes to care for humans while Druig wants to rule them.

The First Love Triangle in Eternals

Another interesting take on Druig would be a complete 360 from his comic book counterpart. Druig could be a bit of a jerk but might have good intentions for humanity. Call him the ‘Severus Snape‘ of Eternals. Tough Love! While in the comics, Druig has been a KGB officer who enjoyed torturing people, Druig being misguided but well-intentioned regarding humanity is a pretty concept rather than him just being a sadist in the movie. Besides, there aren’t a lot of good guys in comic book movies with the ability to control minds. Except for Charles Xavier, you know, Professor X.

In the Marvel comics, Sersi and Makkari are more of a thing than Sersi and Ikaris. That being said, Sersi is known for having slept with every single male Eternal except for Sprite, played by Lia McHugh in the movie,  who is basically a 12-year-old child. Eternals is set to be released on November 4, 2021. For more on Eternals, make sure to check our website.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.